Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yellow Daisies Photograph Prints

      I enjoyed taking pictures of  daisies everywhere. I never get tired or bored of taking pictures of daisies...I just love daisies so much! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Louisiana Dragonflies

Meadowhawks Dragonfly

         Sympetrum is a genus of all small to medium-sized skimmer dragonflies, known as Darters in the UK as a meadowhawks in the North America.

Male Emperor Dragonfly

          The Emperor Dragonfly, or also known as Blue Emperor, or Anax Imperator, is a large and powerful species of hawker dragonfly of the family Aeshnidae . It is found mainly in Europe, nearby Africa, and Asia.

Female Blue Skimmer Dragonfly

       Blue Skimmer dragonfly, Orthetrum caledonicum. How to find out whether it's a male or female? The males have a powder blue thorax and  pruabdomeninescent  blue when mature. The females are brownish  grey in colour while teneral are yellow with black markings.

      I love taking pictures of dragonfly, and these are my most favorites here. I found them in my front yard and I took the time taking pictures of them. I had so much fun!

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